An enrolment form must be completed for every child at the time of their enrolment.
Three regulations of the Education Act to note are:
- All children enrolling in Prep must be five by 30 June in that year. Parents may apply for early entry for children born in July where exceptional circumstances arise. Documentary evidence of the child's date of birth must be provided on prior to enrolment. A copy of vaccination records is also requested. Students attending an approved Kindy program are also encouraged to provide a copy of their child's transition statement.
- For older enrolling students from interstate or from a non-state school, documentary evidence of the child's date of birth must be provided prior to enrolment.
- If a student was born overseas, evidence of Citizenship, Passport and Visa must be produced prior to the commencement of enrolment.
- Enrolment packs are available from our school office or by downloading from our school website Parents wishing to enrol their child/children in the Prep to Year 6 program are asked to contact the office to arrange an enrolment interview with the Principal or Deputy Principal.
- Each year our P&C and school staff review our Student Resource Scheme and booklist requirements to try and ensure that financial costs to parents are kept to a minimum. Families are invited to participate in the Student Resource Scheme and may opt to take up the service or provide all listed items (including paying relevant website subscriptions). A separate document outlines these requirements- Refer Student Resource Scheme and School Booklist documents.
Contact us for more details about our Playgroup program, and our Get Set For Prep program, which runs in Semester 2.